Biology and chemistry teacher Marija Kovački obtained her BSc and MSc degrees from the Department of Biology and Ecology at the Faculty of Sciences in Novi Sad. During her undergraduate studies, she was an active member of student organisation “NIDSBE Josif Pančić”, where she participated in the realisation of a number of projects concerning nature and environmental protection. Moreover, she spent one year as an exchange student at the University of Aveiro in Portugal.

She is currently pursuing a PhD as a Junior researcher at University of Novi Sad’s Laboratory for Plant Systematics and Phytogeography.

The topics of her research are taxonomy, evolution and diversity of wild brambles (blackberries) in the southern peri-Pannonian region of the Balkan Peninsula. As a biology and chemistry teacher, Marija strives to bring students closer to the fundamental principles that govern the world around us, combining core science with interesting facts and demonstrations whenever possible.

When she is not working or studying, Marija likes to spend time in nature and practice outdoor activities such as hiking, free-climbing and swimming. She visits theatres and museums, and enjoys ballet and art exhibitions.
